Rules and Regulations
House Rules, plus Addendum to the Official Rules of USA Roller Sports where not covered here -- www.AAUhockey.org
Year-round Seasons of Adult and Youth Recreational Inline and Dek Hockey
WINTER: January, February & March
SPRING: April, May & June
SUMMER: July, August & September
FALL: October, November & December
• Individuals utilizing this facility do so at their own risk. The property owners, league operators, officers, and staff of the BHP assume no liability for any injuries or accidents which may occur. Please refer to your Liability & Injury Waiver Release forms.
• All Players must be 18 years old or older to participate in the Bridgeville HockeyPlex's Adult Programs. No exceptions. Players who attempt to participate will be asked to leave, and will be suspended until their 19th birthday. Captains who knowingly invite a minor to play will also face suspension.
• Conduct within the facility and on the rink should be in the spirit of good sportsmanship. Our leagues are competitive, but we require our players to have an “EASY GOING” mentality. Antagonistic and out-of-control Players are not welcome and are subject to removal by BHP STAFF.
• The BRP reserves the right to refuse play to anyone. When asked to leave the facility, the person must do so promptly. They're not permitted to remain in the parking lot, or outside seating area. People/players who do not comply with these rules face longterm bans.
• All participants (players, coaches, etc) who are on the Playing Surface and/or benches must wear HECC certified helmets (certified within five years) with chin straps – NO EXCEPTIONS! Some examples of non-HECC certified helmets (illegal helmets) are: Jofa Gretsky model, Jofa Lemieux/Selanne model, Mylec helmet, old Cooper helmet. If you are unsure if your helmet is legal, please check with BHP staff or officials before your game.
• Players are required to wear their helmets during warmups, as well as on the bench during gameplay. If the ball or puck is in play, HELMETS MUST BE ON. They can be taken off in between whistles and periods, etc. If the Officials ask you to put your helmet on more than once in a game, you may be assessed a bench penalty for Delay of Game. It's for your own safety, as, pucks go out of play regularly. If you're overheating to the point of needing to constantly remove your helmet, come off of the playing surface and cool down.
• All play at BHP is non-checking.
• Any fighting will result in ejection from the facility with the possibility of a Lifetime Suspension. This includes the parking lot area/outside. The Bridgeville HockeyPlex has zero tolerance for fighting.
• Fighting includes, among other things, punches, face washing, tackling, wrestling and/or aggressive action intended to injure, knock down or instigate. Players who remove their gloves during an altercation will receive a suspension for fighting. Fighting Suspensions are typically a minimum of 3 games, and will include extra games based on the severity of the action taken.
• If the score reaches an 8 goal differential, the Mercy Rule is applied and it is officially over. Players may remain until their time is up, only if the game/players kept a sportsmanlike attitude throughout. BHP STAFF have the right to close down the playing surface if otherwise.
• Teams that commit 10 penalties in a game forfeit the game 8 - 0 (regardless of the score up to that point), and will be required to leave the playing surface and facility. Players on the opposing team will retain their stats (Goals, Assists, Penalties & Games Played).
• BHP maintains an internal Sportsmanship Rating for teams. Teams that have a NEGATIVE Sportsmanship Rating may not be invited back in subsequent seasons. If a team finishes a season w/ an NSR, any Division Championship will not be recognized/acknowledged by the BHP. The Division will go in the books as "No Result". Causes for an NSR: Consistent Ref/Staff/Facility abuse, Multiple players w/ unsportsmanlike ejections/suspension in a season, alcohol possession, and/or unsportsmanlike behavior before/after the games.
• Teams that intentionally request placement in Divisions lower than what is appropriate may not be invited back in subsequent seasons, nor will any Division Championship be recognized/acknowledged by the BHP. The Division will go in the books as "No Result".
• There will be one to three Officials each game: Two Referees, and one Scorekeeper. BHP Staff serve as Scorekeeper/3rd Official, and is responsible for conduct at the Bridgeville HockeyPlex, both on and off the Playing Surface.
• Faceoff locations are determined by the Referee. BHP places all Faceoffs deep in the Defensive zone when the Ball or Puck goes out of play in that zone (whether it goes off of a player or the crossbar).
• Our Recreational League House Rules for clock management: play clock will stop when the net is dislodged, when a play is halted for an injury, or at BHP Staff and/or the Referee's discretion if something occurs that delays gameplay. Fighting / Player Disruptions do not automatically stop the clock. If the instigating player is on the trailing team, their actions may waste game time.
• Teams sign-up on a first-come-first-pay basis.
• All seasons are ten (10) games plus playoffs, or "friendly" games for low-finishing teams. Each team will get at least eleven (11) games total.
• All teams will play one game each week (unless unforeseen schedule conflicts arise). In some cases, such as Playoffs, multiple games may be scheduled in a week, or a day.
• Only Captains and Designated Alternate (if the captain is not present) may receive for clarification from referees during the game.
• Excess chatter (abusive language) toward other players, officials, or staff will result in penalties and or suspensions. If this occurs from people outside of the playing area/benches, BHP staff has the right to eject them from the facility.
• Drugs and alcohol are not permitted at the HockeyPlex, either inside the facility or in the parking lot area. We do not allow tailgating in which those items are present. If empty cans or bottles are found in a team's locker room, each person present for that day's game may be subject to action by the Bridgeville HockeyPlex.
• Any intoxicated Player will be told to leave!
• Players are not permitted to leave their gear, or belongings at the HockeyPlex overnight.
• BHP reserves the right to update these Rules and Regulations at any time.
• Goalies playing in the PUCK League are required to wear Inline Skates (skater or goalie skates). Goalies playing in the BALL League are permitted to wear shoes if they prefer.
• No Icing – No Offsides.
• Play is 4 on 4 plus Goalie. If a team cannot provide four rostered skaters and a goalie for their game, it will result in a forfeit. Furthermore, if the starting goalie leaves the game without a fully equipped replacement, that team will have to forfeit the game (an 8-0 loss).
• Each game has three 15-minute running clock periods.If the score is within two goals in the 3rd Period, the clock will stop at each whistle 2 minutes or under. If the game is tied after regulation, there will be a 5-minute running-clock Overtime Period. Play is 3 on 3. If the game is still tied, it then goes directly into a Shootout (in the Regular Season, and in either the Wildcard, Quarterfinal, or Semifinal Rounds of the Playoffs). In the Championship Round of the Playoffs, a full 15-minute running clock will be played until a goal is scored.
• Each team must have 4 skaters and a Goalie in order to start a game. At 8 minutes past the hour a team that doesn't have the minimum requirements uses their timeout. At 9 minutes past the hour they incur a 2 minute Delay of Game penalty. At 10 minutes past the hour they incur a second 2 minute Delay of Game penalty, and the game clock begins to run. At 15 minutes past the hour if a team doesn't have 4 skaters and a goalie, they forfeit the game. We don't make exceptions to this rule, even if, at 15 minutes past the hour, their goalie is in the building. Skaters may gear up in the penalty box, though, as long as their helmet is on at all times.
• All Players must wear HECC certified helmets (certified within five years) with chin straps – NO EXCEPTIONS! Some examples of non-HECC certified helmets (illegal helmets) are: Jofa Gretsky model, Jofa Lemieux/Selanne model, Mylec helmet, old Cooper helmet. If you are unsure if your helmet is legal, please check with BHP staff or officials before your game.
• Players must wear: shin guards, with long pants or hockey socks, hockey gloves (NO Mylec dekhockey gloves, garden gloves, etc...), elbow pads, covered with long sleeves, and cup supporter. NO SHORT PANTS OR SHORT SLEEVED HOCKEY JERSEY. ALL EQUIPMENT MUST BE COVERED.
• Highly recommended: Chest protector, girdle (provides thigh, hip, and tailbone protection), mouth pieces for adults (provides shock protection in collisions).
• Skates must have all 4 wheels. One warning will be issued. If not remedied by next game, that Player will not play.
• Players must leave their helmets on while on the bench or in the penalty box. Pucks and Balls go out of play often. Always stay alert to the play.
• Players are required to have long sleeve matching color jerseys with their own unique number. Any Player who does not have a numbered or matching jersey may not be allowed to play. Numbers cannot taped on jersey. When there is a color conflict, the AWAY Team will change color.
• Teams are required to have AWAY jerseys with numbers on the back in the event that they must change for a game. We recommend always bringing a white or a black jersey. Captains, please bring extra jerseys with you to ensure compliance.
• The Bridgeville HockeyPlex features RECREATIONAL Inline Hockey. Our Leagues are competitive, however, we require our Players to have an “Easy Going” mentality. Antagonistic and out-of-control Players are not welcome and subject to removal by the officials or staff. The BHP doesn't give out trophies, nor do we award scoring leaders. At the end of each season we'll give the Division Champs a token of our appreciation, usually in the form of a T-Shirt, waterbottle, golf towel, etc.
• BRP has a ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY on fighting, verbal or physical abuse towards Referees, Players, Spectators, or Staff. If you go there, it could definitely lead to suspension and/or LIFETIME SUSPENSION.
• Vandalsim, and damage to the facility will result in a suspension, in addition to the person having to pay for the repairs. Breaking a tile when slamming one's stick will cost the player $35, which will have to be paid before they are allowed to use the facility.
• The throwing of a punch, among other things, regardless of the situation at hand, constitutes a fight.
• Any Player who engages in a fight will receive a major penalty, a game misconduct, and be thrown out.
• Any Player who leaves the bench or penalty box during a fight will receive a game misconduct, a suspension, and your Team is subject to forfeiture.
• Attempting to start or invite a fight outside in the parking lot, etc., will result in a suspension. If you go there with an argument, the staff will report it and you will not be permitted to use the facility.
• Under normal circumstances the Captain of the suspended player’s team will be notified of suspension within three (3) days of incident by the Bridgeville HockeyPlex' Head Official.
• Suspended Players are not allowed on the premises during their suspension. This includes playing for more than one team, coaching, rentals or spectating! Anyone trying to use/attend the Bridgeville HockeyPlex during their suspension time will serve a longer ban.
• Suspensions can carry over into the next season(s).
• A player who commits three (3) penalties in a game will be ejected from the game & may be subject to suspension based on the types of penalties committed. Players who 3-Penalty out multiple times in a calendar year may receive additional suspension time. Ejected players lose all stats, as well as game credit for that game, which could effect Playoff eligibility.
• Ejected Players must leave the premises promptly. Failing to do so may result in a suspension (in addition to any other suspensions handed down). Ejected Players also lose their Game-Played credit for thast game, which could effect their Playoff Eligibility.
• Delayed penalties are still counted on the score sheet for the purpose of the 3-penalty game misconduct rule.
• If an accidental high-stick occurs which injures the opposing player, the offending player will receive a 4-minute double minor penalty. If the referee determines intent to injure, a 5-min major and game misconduct (with possible suspension) will be assessed.
• If a team is to forfeit their game, it will go on record as a 8 - 0 loss for them. Captains, please do your best to notify the HockeyPlex in advance if you know your team won't be able to make the game. Call 412- 221 -7111 and leave a detailed message. If your team has a forfeit we ask that you call 2 hours before your game in order for us to contact the other team.
• The clock does not always stop, nor will the game always be delayed for goalie and/or player equipment issues. If possible, the player must go to the bench, use a timeout, or take a delay of game penalty. It will at the Officials' discretion.
• If a player's helmet comes off during the play, he or she must immediately put it back on. If they attempt to continue the play without it, the play will be blown dead, and they may be assessed a delay of game penalty.
• WARNING: Abuse of Officials is NOT TOLERATED at the Bridgeville HockeyPlex. Penalties and game suspensions will be awarded. Captains or Alternate Captains can talk to Referees at a time that doesn't halt the game. We understand that players may be frustrated with calls / non-calls, however, we ask everyone to manage their frustration in a way that's consistent with an Adult Recreational League game. We ask the players called for a penalty to voice their disagreement but then go to the penalty box to serve their time.
• Officials are not required to give explanations of penalty calls during Period Play. Captains may ask for clarification BETWEEN PERIODS or after the game.
Bridgeville Rollerplex LLC doing business as Bridgeville HockeyPlex (2024)
Year-round Seasons of Adult and Youth Recreational Inline and Dek Hockey
WINTER: January, February & March
SPRING: April, May & June
SUMMER: July, August & September
FALL: October, November & December
• Individuals utilizing this facility do so at their own risk. The property owners, league operators, officers, and staff of the BHP assume no liability for any injuries or accidents which may occur. Please refer to your Liability & Injury Waiver Release forms.
• All Players must be 18 years old or older to participate in the Bridgeville HockeyPlex's Adult Programs. No exceptions. Players who attempt to participate will be asked to leave, and will be suspended until their 19th birthday. Captains who knowingly invite a minor to play will also face suspension.
• Conduct within the facility and on the rink should be in the spirit of good sportsmanship. Our leagues are competitive, but we require our players to have an “EASY GOING” mentality. Antagonistic and out-of-control Players are not welcome and are subject to removal by BHP STAFF.
• The BRP reserves the right to refuse play to anyone. When asked to leave the facility, the person must do so promptly. They're not permitted to remain in the parking lot, or outside seating area. People/players who do not comply with these rules face longterm bans.
• All participants (players, coaches, etc) who are on the Playing Surface and/or benches must wear HECC certified helmets (certified within five years) with chin straps – NO EXCEPTIONS! Some examples of non-HECC certified helmets (illegal helmets) are: Jofa Gretsky model, Jofa Lemieux/Selanne model, Mylec helmet, old Cooper helmet. If you are unsure if your helmet is legal, please check with BHP staff or officials before your game.
• Players are required to wear their helmets during warmups, as well as on the bench during gameplay. If the ball or puck is in play, HELMETS MUST BE ON. They can be taken off in between whistles and periods, etc. If the Officials ask you to put your helmet on more than once in a game, you may be assessed a bench penalty for Delay of Game. It's for your own safety, as, pucks go out of play regularly. If you're overheating to the point of needing to constantly remove your helmet, come off of the playing surface and cool down.
• All play at BHP is non-checking.
• Any fighting will result in ejection from the facility with the possibility of a Lifetime Suspension. This includes the parking lot area/outside. The Bridgeville HockeyPlex has zero tolerance for fighting.
• Fighting includes, among other things, punches, face washing, tackling, wrestling and/or aggressive action intended to injure, knock down or instigate. Players who remove their gloves during an altercation will receive a suspension for fighting. Fighting Suspensions are typically a minimum of 3 games, and will include extra games based on the severity of the action taken.
• If the score reaches an 8 goal differential, the Mercy Rule is applied and it is officially over. Players may remain until their time is up, only if the game/players kept a sportsmanlike attitude throughout. BHP STAFF have the right to close down the playing surface if otherwise.
• Teams that commit 10 penalties in a game forfeit the game 8 - 0 (regardless of the score up to that point), and will be required to leave the playing surface and facility. Players on the opposing team will retain their stats (Goals, Assists, Penalties & Games Played).
• BHP maintains an internal Sportsmanship Rating for teams. Teams that have a NEGATIVE Sportsmanship Rating may not be invited back in subsequent seasons. If a team finishes a season w/ an NSR, any Division Championship will not be recognized/acknowledged by the BHP. The Division will go in the books as "No Result". Causes for an NSR: Consistent Ref/Staff/Facility abuse, Multiple players w/ unsportsmanlike ejections/suspension in a season, alcohol possession, and/or unsportsmanlike behavior before/after the games.
• Teams that intentionally request placement in Divisions lower than what is appropriate may not be invited back in subsequent seasons, nor will any Division Championship be recognized/acknowledged by the BHP. The Division will go in the books as "No Result".
• There will be one to three Officials each game: Two Referees, and one Scorekeeper. BHP Staff serve as Scorekeeper/3rd Official, and is responsible for conduct at the Bridgeville HockeyPlex, both on and off the Playing Surface.
• Faceoff locations are determined by the Referee. BHP places all Faceoffs deep in the Defensive zone when the Ball or Puck goes out of play in that zone (whether it goes off of a player or the crossbar).
• Our Recreational League House Rules for clock management: play clock will stop when the net is dislodged, when a play is halted for an injury, or at BHP Staff and/or the Referee's discretion if something occurs that delays gameplay. Fighting / Player Disruptions do not automatically stop the clock. If the instigating player is on the trailing team, their actions may waste game time.
• Teams sign-up on a first-come-first-pay basis.
• All seasons are ten (10) games plus playoffs, or "friendly" games for low-finishing teams. Each team will get at least eleven (11) games total.
• All teams will play one game each week (unless unforeseen schedule conflicts arise). In some cases, such as Playoffs, multiple games may be scheduled in a week, or a day.
• Only Captains and Designated Alternate (if the captain is not present) may receive for clarification from referees during the game.
• Excess chatter (abusive language) toward other players, officials, or staff will result in penalties and or suspensions. If this occurs from people outside of the playing area/benches, BHP staff has the right to eject them from the facility.
• Drugs and alcohol are not permitted at the HockeyPlex, either inside the facility or in the parking lot area. We do not allow tailgating in which those items are present. If empty cans or bottles are found in a team's locker room, each person present for that day's game may be subject to action by the Bridgeville HockeyPlex.
• Any intoxicated Player will be told to leave!
• Players are not permitted to leave their gear, or belongings at the HockeyPlex overnight.
• BHP reserves the right to update these Rules and Regulations at any time.
• Goalies playing in the PUCK League are required to wear Inline Skates (skater or goalie skates). Goalies playing in the BALL League are permitted to wear shoes if they prefer.
• No Icing – No Offsides.
• Play is 4 on 4 plus Goalie. If a team cannot provide four rostered skaters and a goalie for their game, it will result in a forfeit. Furthermore, if the starting goalie leaves the game without a fully equipped replacement, that team will have to forfeit the game (an 8-0 loss).
• Each game has three 15-minute running clock periods.If the score is within two goals in the 3rd Period, the clock will stop at each whistle 2 minutes or under. If the game is tied after regulation, there will be a 5-minute running-clock Overtime Period. Play is 3 on 3. If the game is still tied, it then goes directly into a Shootout (in the Regular Season, and in either the Wildcard, Quarterfinal, or Semifinal Rounds of the Playoffs). In the Championship Round of the Playoffs, a full 15-minute running clock will be played until a goal is scored.
• Each team must have 4 skaters and a Goalie in order to start a game. At 8 minutes past the hour a team that doesn't have the minimum requirements uses their timeout. At 9 minutes past the hour they incur a 2 minute Delay of Game penalty. At 10 minutes past the hour they incur a second 2 minute Delay of Game penalty, and the game clock begins to run. At 15 minutes past the hour if a team doesn't have 4 skaters and a goalie, they forfeit the game. We don't make exceptions to this rule, even if, at 15 minutes past the hour, their goalie is in the building. Skaters may gear up in the penalty box, though, as long as their helmet is on at all times.
• All Players must wear HECC certified helmets (certified within five years) with chin straps – NO EXCEPTIONS! Some examples of non-HECC certified helmets (illegal helmets) are: Jofa Gretsky model, Jofa Lemieux/Selanne model, Mylec helmet, old Cooper helmet. If you are unsure if your helmet is legal, please check with BHP staff or officials before your game.
• Players must wear: shin guards, with long pants or hockey socks, hockey gloves (NO Mylec dekhockey gloves, garden gloves, etc...), elbow pads, covered with long sleeves, and cup supporter. NO SHORT PANTS OR SHORT SLEEVED HOCKEY JERSEY. ALL EQUIPMENT MUST BE COVERED.
• Highly recommended: Chest protector, girdle (provides thigh, hip, and tailbone protection), mouth pieces for adults (provides shock protection in collisions).
• Skates must have all 4 wheels. One warning will be issued. If not remedied by next game, that Player will not play.
• Players must leave their helmets on while on the bench or in the penalty box. Pucks and Balls go out of play often. Always stay alert to the play.
• Players are required to have long sleeve matching color jerseys with their own unique number. Any Player who does not have a numbered or matching jersey may not be allowed to play. Numbers cannot taped on jersey. When there is a color conflict, the AWAY Team will change color.
• Teams are required to have AWAY jerseys with numbers on the back in the event that they must change for a game. We recommend always bringing a white or a black jersey. Captains, please bring extra jerseys with you to ensure compliance.
• The Bridgeville HockeyPlex features RECREATIONAL Inline Hockey. Our Leagues are competitive, however, we require our Players to have an “Easy Going” mentality. Antagonistic and out-of-control Players are not welcome and subject to removal by the officials or staff. The BHP doesn't give out trophies, nor do we award scoring leaders. At the end of each season we'll give the Division Champs a token of our appreciation, usually in the form of a T-Shirt, waterbottle, golf towel, etc.
• BRP has a ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY on fighting, verbal or physical abuse towards Referees, Players, Spectators, or Staff. If you go there, it could definitely lead to suspension and/or LIFETIME SUSPENSION.
• Vandalsim, and damage to the facility will result in a suspension, in addition to the person having to pay for the repairs. Breaking a tile when slamming one's stick will cost the player $35, which will have to be paid before they are allowed to use the facility.
• The throwing of a punch, among other things, regardless of the situation at hand, constitutes a fight.
• Any Player who engages in a fight will receive a major penalty, a game misconduct, and be thrown out.
• Any Player who leaves the bench or penalty box during a fight will receive a game misconduct, a suspension, and your Team is subject to forfeiture.
• Attempting to start or invite a fight outside in the parking lot, etc., will result in a suspension. If you go there with an argument, the staff will report it and you will not be permitted to use the facility.
• Under normal circumstances the Captain of the suspended player’s team will be notified of suspension within three (3) days of incident by the Bridgeville HockeyPlex' Head Official.
• Suspended Players are not allowed on the premises during their suspension. This includes playing for more than one team, coaching, rentals or spectating! Anyone trying to use/attend the Bridgeville HockeyPlex during their suspension time will serve a longer ban.
• Suspensions can carry over into the next season(s).
• A player who commits three (3) penalties in a game will be ejected from the game & may be subject to suspension based on the types of penalties committed. Players who 3-Penalty out multiple times in a calendar year may receive additional suspension time. Ejected players lose all stats, as well as game credit for that game, which could effect Playoff eligibility.
• Ejected Players must leave the premises promptly. Failing to do so may result in a suspension (in addition to any other suspensions handed down). Ejected Players also lose their Game-Played credit for thast game, which could effect their Playoff Eligibility.
• Delayed penalties are still counted on the score sheet for the purpose of the 3-penalty game misconduct rule.
• If an accidental high-stick occurs which injures the opposing player, the offending player will receive a 4-minute double minor penalty. If the referee determines intent to injure, a 5-min major and game misconduct (with possible suspension) will be assessed.
• If a team is to forfeit their game, it will go on record as a 8 - 0 loss for them. Captains, please do your best to notify the HockeyPlex in advance if you know your team won't be able to make the game. Call 412- 221 -7111 and leave a detailed message. If your team has a forfeit we ask that you call 2 hours before your game in order for us to contact the other team.
• The clock does not always stop, nor will the game always be delayed for goalie and/or player equipment issues. If possible, the player must go to the bench, use a timeout, or take a delay of game penalty. It will at the Officials' discretion.
• If a player's helmet comes off during the play, he or she must immediately put it back on. If they attempt to continue the play without it, the play will be blown dead, and they may be assessed a delay of game penalty.
• WARNING: Abuse of Officials is NOT TOLERATED at the Bridgeville HockeyPlex. Penalties and game suspensions will be awarded. Captains or Alternate Captains can talk to Referees at a time that doesn't halt the game. We understand that players may be frustrated with calls / non-calls, however, we ask everyone to manage their frustration in a way that's consistent with an Adult Recreational League game. We ask the players called for a penalty to voice their disagreement but then go to the penalty box to serve their time.
• Officials are not required to give explanations of penalty calls during Period Play. Captains may ask for clarification BETWEEN PERIODS or after the game.
Bridgeville Rollerplex LLC doing business as Bridgeville HockeyPlex (2024)